Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My reflection.

hello. i hope that all of you readers have enjoyed this project as much as i have. first off i would like to say thank you to everyone that had something to do with this project ms. andreadis,rob and many others that contributed to this insightful project. i have enjoyed looking at all of the blogs and i have learned so much about people i thought i knew alot about. For instance i am a piano player and i thought for the longest time, sadly enough, that schumann was a man come to find out i was mistaken and that has taught me a lesson all in its self. I really did enjoy all of the artists but i have to say that i found a couple of artists that caught my attention. Jean George Noverre and antonio meucci. they both were very interesting to watch and read about. overall i have enjoyed the whole thing and will always remember my unforgettable year in world history.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Interview questions

1.) I went to an arts school as a kid thanks to a friend of my moms. I didn’t really start my career until I received my first big role as Anna Damby in the revival of Kean. Many events throughout my life lead me to my career but it was never the easiest. Trying to make it in this business is always hard and struggling, but having perseverance gets you through it.

2.) Well, thanks to the Duc de Morney’s influence, I was accepted into the comdie-Francaise, which was a theater company in France. From there on I was handed around from company to company, I was never really into the acting thing it was just something to consume time. Soon though, I found that it was all worth it when I received my first big role and my career shot off from their and my reputation grew.

3.) Theater was very popular; it wasn’t the most expensive so a lot of locals could pay for the tickets. Theater groups would also be hired to perform for royalty and wealthy for a fair price. A good example, would be that the theater group I was in performed for Napoleon. I portrayed the role of Zanetto in the one-act play Le passent. It was always very rewarding.

4.) Theater was popular but it wasn’t a necessity. We as actors and actresses weren’t really affected much. Well of course our pay was minimum but we were never paid a large amount in the beginning unless you were a big star, which I did later on become. After I left the conservatory, one of the many theater companies I worked for, I became a courtesan. I then started and fully organized a military hospital in Odeon during the Franco-Prussian war. It was very successful.

5.) Major accomplishments for me as an actress would be my first big role of course as Anna Damby in the revival of the show Kean. Performing for Napoleon was a treat itself, also earning my title. My title is the divine Sarah, which was a very prestigious title. I was the most famous actress of the 19th century. One odd method I used, to my fans, was that for a period of my career I slept in a coffin to get into my tragic roles.

6.) Joining an arts school at a young age was a good start. Then moving around from company to company gave me a lot of diversity in my acting techniques. This all was a part of my fast road to fame.

7.) I had my own methods and I carried myself through the majority of the process that lead to my fame, but I was mostly pushed into the acting part. My life was very dramatic and I showed that publicly, which gave an outlet to people who had also experienced drama.. I was helped a lot through out the process but soon enough I came to the realization that I was a very talented actress. So I proceeded on my own and became very successful.

8.) Like I’ve said a many of times, life before I became an actress was hard. My father wasn’t a part of my life and my mother didn’t have the ability to raise me, so I was bounced between other family and foster care. From the start, it was hard, I had many struggles. I worked for a variety of theater companies and it was never easy to be told I wasn’t good enough to be there. So I guess everyone has hardships but it depends on the person and how they handle the situation and if they can get through t the struggles and obstacles, that matters.

9.) I was not always accepted into the higher society because of my background and family, but friends helped with that by getting me into a good school to help me make something out of my life. As an actress, later on in life, I was treated better but there are limitations for everyone. When I got famous and well known though, I was very much liked and appreciated.

10.) Like I have said from the beginning, I was helped throughout my journey to fame. I was pushed into the career, but started to like it and actually try to do a good job at it. It was thanks to all of the friends that helped me, and all of the companies who gave me a chance, one after the other.